The Innovation Voucher
eg technology is once again supporting the Health Enterprise East Innovation Voucher Competition. The Innovation Voucher is designed to support NHS staff develop their ideas for new medical technologies, and will give the winner access to eg technology’s team of talented and agile engineers. As a result of the success of last year’s Innovation voucher, we are excited to participate again this year, and the winner will receive up to five days of development time towards the realisation of their innovation.
”Having the opportunity to work with such skilled engineers to further develop and automate the ‘Mini-brain’ concept is fantastic. Our long-term aim for the product is for it to be used in the NHS as a benchtop device, and with the support of HEE and eg technology, we are moving a step closer to achieving this ambition.
Ryan MathewVoucher Recipient
Open to all NHS staff in HEE Member Trusts, the competition has a focus on novel medical technologies and closes at 5pm on Monday 22nd November 2021. Short-listed applicants will be interviewed in early January 2022 and winners will be announced by end of January.
For more information and to submit your application please click here.